THIS CHILLING TRUE STORY of a successful family reveals the hidden reality behind appearances. Colin is a brilliant, handsome, and charming man to the outside world, recruited by both the CIA and IBM. With all his success, the perception was that he had it all. Instead the reality was a hellish nightmare of verbal and atrocious physical abuse for Alley, his beautiful wife, and their six children. Alley feels helpless to protect her children from Colin's constant attacks when three mysterious women visit her and promise that he will never hurt them again -- if she gives them what they want. For the sake of the children, she agrees. The women work their evil with her family and Alley gains immense power against Colin but finds herself in a horror-filled battle with Colin's insatiable appetite for abuse. Who will win, and what happens to the children?
*I want to thank everyone who posts his or her opinion on Blogger because every comment is great and contributes toward helping other people.*
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About the Author
Marala Scott gives vivid recollections of her horrific childhood. This memoir tells the story from her viewpoint as a child and provides analytical perspectives as an adult. She believes that the pain we suffer as children will carry into our adult lives and the lives of our children if we choose to let it. This book is written to expose another reality of life and provide answers to avoid it. If we don't address tragic and horrific issues, they will definitely handle or destroy us.
Marala’s goal is to help people HEAL (Help Educate and Alter Lives) through sharing her story and encouraging forgiveness. She explains that forgiveness is essential in helping the abused move on with their life. Marala’s powerful message about understanding the “Indicators of an Abuser” can be heard in her speaking engagements nationwide. She believes in preparing women, men, and our youth to spot the warning signs that a relationship is not healthy.
Keynote Speaker for Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
Sep 20, 2008
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1 – 200 of 209 Newer› Newest»I will get this book because it sounds really interesting. I've see it almost everywhere. Tyrese is even saying the book is a must read. I'm sold. Thanks for the message ... again.
I have checked out the authors official website and this book looks great! There are a lot of other good comments about it so I look forward to reading it.
I actually read this book and was amazed at the story. It was really really sad but told very well. At times I thought I was Marala telling the story. I was able to relate to this story, not because of the abuse or possesion that the mom had but because of the perception people have of me isn't what is going on in my life. I loved this story because it made me so emotional that I was crying in almost every few chapters. It's just real. I keep telling my friends about it. This is my favorite book.I heard it about it everywhere.
I don't usually write book review but I think these authors are on to something big. I hope this is the beginning of a series because the book was AMAZINGLY WRITTEN. This has to be the most emotion evoking book I've ever read. I was abused and could feel what the wife was getting from her husband. I could feel her pain and understood why she made the choice that she did. It wasn't right but understood. I needed to be hit with this reality of life. It opened me up in a good way. I can't wait to read more from the authors. This is a bestseller babes! You heard it from me first.
Anyone who can read... should read... THIS BOOK!
Read the memoir and loved it. I can't stop crying. The emotional storyline hits home. This is a book any person from diverse backgrounds and ethnicity will appreciate. Give this book to men and women of all ages. I recommend this from the bottom of my heart. If Tyrese is endorsing this book he is even more amazing a man than one could ever imagine. This book open up your eyes, and will make you look at the way people perceive you and you others. I bought one for my brother and his wife. Fantastic!
This book was wonderfully written. It touches on so many different issues. Perception vs. Reality is an issue that needs to be exploited. What people percieve on a daily basis is typically not what the reality is! I love how real this book is. I guarantee that abuse touches many more homes than people speak about. I hope that this book is as inspirational to others as it has been to me!! It has truly touched my life! Thank you Marala Scott and Tre Parker.
I received the voice message from Tyrese and as he stated...this truly was a gift from him. This was the best book that I have ever read. I feel privileged that he gave his fans first hand knowledge about this book. It was incredible. Thanks for the heads up Tyrese, and THANK YOU to Marala Scott for being so strong to tell us your compelling story. I love your coursage.
Great book. This was non-stop book that I really couldn't put down. I know anyone that reads it is going to ball like crazy because its sad. The autors made me feel what they were feeling and see what they saw at all times. Excellent job. Are there more books by these authors?
Kandice J.
This has to be one of the best books written. It tells the truth about what happens behind closed doors. Many times we are afraid of what people would think if they knew. This memoir in an honest account revealed the horrible and I do mean horrible truth. I have so much respect for the authors for breaking their silence with a story such as this. It was heartwrenching. I will recommend this book to everyone from all walks of life. It will help us understand why we have dsyfunctional households. More importantly it hits home and tells you what we should have done from a biblical perspective. This book is marvelous. Wonderfully written and the characters come to life right off the pages.
Awesome book! I look forward to it being a movie. This hit home in a half dozen ways. Strong message.
Joseph S.
Miami, Fl
Very exciting story. Once I pick the book up I did not want to put it down. Perception vs. reality we all can understand that. What society thinks of you and whats really going on. You never know what people are going through. Marala's family had it all to the outside world but in reality they were living in a nightmare. I love the humor throughout the story. This is a masterpiece great story. Must read!!!
I thank these authors for writing a book that gave me the courage to realize the monster that I have been living with. I use the term monster as Clark did in the book b/c that is what my husband is. You always think that you are alone with what it that you are going through. Now I know that I am not. For that I thank you! My kids are out, now it's my turn...
This book was THE best book that I have ever read. The writting style speaks for itself as it is very unique...I don't say this too often, but, GENIUS!!
Tara Warrens
I hope they turn this book into a movie! It would be incredible to see this on the big screen.
-James D. Inklin
What a well written memoir. This caught me off guard and I read it by force. My daughter told me it would inspire me and it did. Thank you for sharing. It must have been difficult to write these words and open up these wounds. This will weight in heavily in the upcoming years. This will have self life.
Okay. I finally read this memoir and found it to be the most emotionally gripping book I've ever read. I read good books but this hit home. We all know someone like the father, Alley the mom or the kids. But we don't hear stories like this so honestly told. This should be everywhere. There are so many people that can benefit from reading and feeling this touching story. The best part of all is if you've never experienced any of these problems this family was plagued with you know someone that has. This is simply excellent reading material. The way the authors use their words to describe have not ever been placed together like this book. If you want something that moves you and impacts you to tears and makes you laugh. This book does it. I didn't think it would although I heard it was awesome. I am clearly recommending this book to the world. I gave it to my boyfriend to read and he agrees. It great for guys!
Really good book! I think that this book is going to be a huge hit! Heartbreaking story.
This book was awesome. It has touched my life already and made me reevaluate a lot of things in regards to my own family. I was privileged enough to meet the author at her book club and book signing that took place yesterday evening in Columbus, OH. It was so powerful to speak to Marala and Tre to get the inside scoop on the book. Never before have I been able to read a book and know exactly what the author was trying to say or get through to it's readers. Last night was an incredible experience that I will never forget. It changed my life as many of the audience members gave testimonies to some of their experiences and gave their ideas and opinions on the characters in the book and on what certain things meant. It was really an experience that I'll never forget.
When we think of abuse sometimes the thought is limiting to abuse. This memoir explored and encompassed the true meaning of what it is and how to avoid it. The story although tragic is accomplished in style and content. This is a book for everyone. I am pleased to see that so many people have embraced this story. I was reluctant to pick it up but grateful to the authors that I did. Awesome.
I am so pleased that I read this book. I know this will be a bestseller. I can't believe that I became a part of the book. I could completely identify with the fears that Marala had. I am heartbroken for the Alley.
This was a horrible display of abuse. I couldn't imagaine what these children and their mother had to go through. Today there are so many agencies that can help families in crisis like this. The story is wee told and draws the emotion out of me unlike any other book I've read. The story in uniuqe allowing you to feel the pain (or some of the pain) the children experienced. This was the most emotion packed book I've ever read. I could see the children as I was reading. The descriptions were fasinating. I can't wait to see this as a movie. Get this book and read it!
Awesome Book!!!!!!!!
This book is written so well. The author is really descriptive. I was touched in so many ways. Abuse happens to people everyday. There are so many people that act like evertything is ok but in reality they are living in a mess. We have to speak out. Marala Scott is a living example of "what does not kill you only make you stronger". Great book. Must Read
This story is something special. I don’t even like to read but I read an excerpt and I was so intrigued I had to purchase this book. Tyrese Gibson said it was a type of book that would make you take a look at your life. When I finally started reading, I could not stop. I take the book everywhere I go so I can tell people about it. Marala writing style is so unique that it keeps the reader wanting more. She so descriptive and gives the reader a CLEAR visual picture of what was going on in her house. And when I mean a clear visual… I mean clear. Nice Job!
I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN...WOW!!!! The story was an emotional rollercoaster ride. First I was sad then I was laughing. The message that Marala portrayed is such a blessing to me. I thought I was going through some hardtimes in my life until I read this story. Marala Scott has overcome the unimaginable and still she has a smile on her face. This story would be a great movie.
I wasn't sure what to expect from the book but I was certaing that I had to read it. I heard the interview by Ms. Scott in Richmond, Va and requested a copy of her book because I couldn't afford it and I am in an abusive with now way to stay out. I keep leaving but he keeps pulling me back in. I didn't think my life would change until I read this book. I received the book and started to read it when I opened the package. I don't remember anything else because I was consumed with her story. I went into the book and stayed there letting it emotionally rip me a part to the degree I had to wonder what the hell is the matter with me to stay in such a hateful environment and allow this man to beat me the way he does. I saw what happened to Alley because as I read the book, I was there. That was a true warning, from God as Ms. Scott has said. I am happy to inform everyone that reads this, I am no longer in that relationship and will never go back. I see the value of life and after seeing how badly it affected the children and Ms. Scott, I am doing that to my oun daughter. Not any more. I am going to pass this book along to someone who needs it after signing the inside cover like Ms. Scott requested. It is hard for me to let go of a book that is a learning tool, but there are so many people out there that need to feel what I did while reading it. I read it it only 1 day! Thank you Ms. Scott. Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. And I'm sorry for the life you had. You are a strong woman to tell this story. I will tell it too.
I went to see these authors speak and have to say that I loved the book before but now I love it even more. They were incredible and this book will be a movie. I loved Colin's character but Marala was my favorite. Tre was really nice and Marala knows how to get your attention and keep it, writing and speaking.
I thought this story was one of the most realistic and graphically told ever. Very hard to digest but necessary message. Well written.*****
This book was absolutely incredible!! Words can't describe what I felt while reading this because too many emotions were evoked at one time! I ordered it online and read it in a matter of hours between yesterday and this morning. I wish I could just tell the whole world about this. I felt inclined to get online and blog. Everyone should get a copy of this book. It is truly amazing in every sense of the word. I hope that this book touches everyones hands and inspires them the way it has me! My little sister is subject to abuse. I've tried to help on numerous occasions but felt as though it was not my place. IT IS MY PLACE and I am going to handle this, appropriately of course, as opposed to letting it run it's course the way it did with Alley. Thank you to Marala Scott and Tre Parker for being strong enough to share their story. I wish you book all the success that God will allow it!! Stay blessed.
"In Our House" -this Memoir is one that kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end. The characters are so real you fear and hope with them at the same time. This book really makes you think what is going on in the homes around you. Puts awareness in you that the smiling faces you see, may really not be. Is a constant reminder to not just allow anyone into your house, into your mind or around loved ones.
I really felt for the characters because so many people can relate to the feelings of helplessness and just "doing" to survive, but this book is a great reminder that someone always has it worse than you and in times of struggle, prayer will see you thru.
I highly recommend this book to any and everyone. I encourage you to read with an open mind and take time out to really absorb the many messages in this book. I praise the author for having the courage to tell her story, it has the potential to not only spread awareness but to change lives!
-Jessica Michel
I read this book and it should be a movie. I can't wait to read more. I think they did a commendable job on the way the story was written. It made me laugh, cry, angry, really angry, appalled, sad, really upset and emotions that most books can't make you feel. This was so good I'll read it again. I think the message is worth sharing to everyone. I like the characters the way they were developed. Marala's character and her brother Colin were my favorite. Stan was the most compassionate and reminded me of my brother Will. I don't want to give the story away but I recommend this book to everyone.
This book was so complicated to read because it was so candid and truthful. When I went to see the reader speak about the book, you would have never assumed she could have been a victim of abuse. If she can hide her pain, other people can do it too. That is why people need to pay close attention to their family members and friends because they may need your help too. I hope this book is passed on because this needs to be read.
This book is so extraordinary because it covers many topics and reaches so many emotional levels that other books don’t. This book needs to be passed on to as many people as possible to spread the word around. If you or somebody you know is being abuse, please contact someone and get help.
In Our House was an outstanding read. For the majority of this book, I cried because I never thought such young children could tolerate so much pain. This book tells the truth without restricting anything. Instead of covering up the most horrific parts, it told everything which gave me a clear view and the full effect. I loved this book and I will probably read it again.
Okay. I was abused as a child and now i'm in a abusive situation all over again now. how can i get help because my 3 kids are being affected and abused too but not as bad as me. i know there are places to go but and everything but then i'll loose everything i've worked for to hide from him. i don't want to feel like i'm hiding. please help.
I went to the book signing at Barnes & Noble to participate in the discussion and found the authors to be absolutely amazing. Marala's love for her brothers and family is eminent. Although her story is very disturbing and sad, she still communicated the details respectfully regarding her dad. She has a clear understanding of why he was that way. There were a great number of people there which was surprising to see them stay for over 2 hours to hear them speak. The discussion was helpful to a lot of people their based on their own line of questioning. Marala didn't flinch at any question and is very passionate about giving advice to prevent domestic violence. The line to purchase a book was long and the people waiting had 2 and 3 books to share with other people. They made a good impact with the discussion and bringing curiousity to reading the story. Marala' s smile is radiant and shows healing. I think this book will be a quiet storm that will wake and shake people for years to come. It did me. I found myself dredging out in the bad weather out of sheer curioustiy like a child. It was worth it. So is the book.
Reading is not something I have time to do unless the book is that damn good. I have numerous friend that were bugging the hell out of me to read a book because it was supposed to be the new best thing ever with a story that wouldn't quit delivering. Okay so I got the book, you guessed it, IN OUR HOUSE PERCEPTION VS. REALITY so they'd leave me alone and I was really cuirous to see for myself. OMG this book started out like something fierce and kept scaring the hell out of me like it was Stephen King or something but its a real story. So even though I was scared to finish it because of everything going on, I did. This book is the best thing out. It kept it so real that it touch my heart in so many ways. I didn't find out that Tyrese was supporting the book until after I finished the book and saw this article about him. That's impressive in itself to see a sexy, gorgeous man getting behind a story this amazing. The book is about domestic violence but that's not by no way shape or form ALL! I'd honestly have to say that this book has to be the best that I've ever read. Thanks to my friends who bugged the hell out of me to read it. I have already been spreading the word about it and hope that the authors will read this and come visit my city of Greenville, NC to do a book club or book signing, or just to talk about the book! Do you ever go back to that town is what I want to know? This book was phenemonal!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is quite a story. It's soul shaking and well told. I think everyone should experience this book and the history this family has. When I read it, I felt that I was watching everything unfold from a two way mirror. The events that happened should have torn that family apart but the prevailing outcome is powerful.
Great Book! I couldn't put it down.
I think this had to be difficult to go back and open the wounds that were shared in this book. It was traumatizing to read. This is what people that are in violent situations or households should read becaue just maybe it'll open your eyes. It's not a pretty story but I've been through this and nobody knew how it affects me. I believe the authors sharing their experiences can truly help make a difference. I'm sure this book can save someone's life. I told my friend to read it and see if it can save her's. Good book. I'll recomend it to my friends and co-worker and family too.
I get to see them speak tomorrow at Wayne State University. I am soooo excited. This is a topic that is global.
I attended the 'Up Close and Personal with Marala and Tre'. This was phenomenal and an event to understand not only what Marala went through but to understand the indicators of an abuser. Keep up the outstanding vocal contribution! Tre, I commend you for speaking up on such a personal level. Your passion shows. I can feel the true concern and passion when they speak. This topic as stated at the event is global and Marala and Tre are using the book to bring awareness to the prevention of domestic violence. Keep it up! I'm a supporter.
I heard Marala speak about Domestic Violence on KRIO 97.3 in Seattle. I will be buying this book. You are so inspirational and your message is timely. Most importantly you said, "It's never okay to hit a woman...or a man". Powerful and ture.
Marala gave a strong and consistent message on KIRO in Seattle. It's never okay to hit. Violence breeds more Violence." Okay girl! Speaking truth into existence. I read the book and loved it. Strongly recommended to all of you.
These men are crazier than I thought when you can call a public radio station and say that its okay to beat a woman if she hits you. Marala handle their &*%$(! It's never okay to hit anyone! We have some twisted minds in this world. The men in Seattle must be depressed, cowards! The chick that called in needs to read that book instead of saying if her husband hits her and she provoked him she deserves it. Crazy. What are we selling women. Listen to the message that Marala gave. It's never okay!
I heard your interview on the Ron and Don show in Seattle yesterday. It was refreshing to hear you say that it is NEVER okay to hit a woman. I could NOT believe how many men were saying that they would the day before on their show ... AND that they felt it was okay if provoked ... or whatever other cowardly excuses they were giving. You are an inspiration to females everywhere. Domestic abuse, no matter how big or small, is never okay. Whether it be by man OR woman! Thank you for your efforts in raising awareness. I am definitely ordering your book online today. I hope to hear more from you soon!!
This book has a lot of good messages throughout the chapters. It hurt to read it because I've been through something similar by way of abuse. Thank you for speaking the words I don't have the courage to say.
I just wanted to send you a message letting you know that everyone that read your book after the January book signing ABSOLUTELY loved it. My roomate was supposed to be reading for class, but couldn't put your book down.Thanks again for contributing to my life and strengthening my faith in God with your story. I always believed in God and trusted in him, but your story and your family have really contributed to my faith!
My hope is that your book is a multi-million best seller. I sometimes wonder why so many just live with abuse and expect everyone else to deal with it too. God blessed you with the strength to endure, rise above and open the doors for others. Reality TV on stage and exposed! Great job!Will you be presenting in the Cleveland/Columbus areas in the near future? I would like to come to meet and hear you and your huband speak
Marala I just finished reading your book,it really hurts me to my heart to read what happened to you and your family. I UNDERSTAND EXACTLY what you went threw. I am 30 years old and I went threw kind of the same thing with my step father. Reading your book now gives me the courage to talk about what happened to me. Thank you so much!
Hello, I read your book, and it affected me deeply. I respect you for coming to terms with your childhood and documenting your experience for others who may have had similar pasts. Thank you for having the strength to write this book.
I loved this book. The story shook my soul. Please write more like this because we need to know what abuse feels like to help others. My heart goes out to Alley.
What a beautiful website full of useful information.
I love the webite!!! The messages are strong and the site itself proves to be a useful tool. Keep spreading the word about DV. I am excited about reading the book.
I am proud to have read the book In Our House. These authors will definitely make a difference with sharing Alley's story. I wish I had the courage to share mine. This website is helpful and should be commended. The story was amazing.Thank you.
Another abuse survivor
I just heard the message via Tyrese message on twitter to go to Thank you for sharing your story. I am sure you will get a million and one messages from random people but I just want to let you know that you have inspired me. I am all about being positive for the remainder of my life and doing the things that I want to do!
I don't know you but I LOVE YOU.
take care
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
God Bless you and stay are truly an inspiration.
you and your family are in my prayers.
Tyrese gave me ur email...I'm sending lots of love and support! Keep me updated
I did listen to the conversation that you and Tyrese Gibson had on the phone earlier today. You are truly an inspiration for people who are always thinking negative and looking at life. I am happy that I have found another strong woman who I can relate to besides from my mother and the other strong women in my life already. I t is true life is too short and precious for an individual not to live their lives. At times, in the past I thought when I was going through some difficulties, I would hear other peoples' struggles and compared to mine, and it was nothing. So I can see why it is very important during the recession how peoples' mood swings and tough situations, their negativity are bound to occur. That is why it is important to have people like you surface, because there is a reason why you wrote a book, there is a reason why you met Tyrese Gibson and the exposure that has turned into positivity, and there is a reason why God brought you into this world because you are a leader in disguise for people who think they are the only ones going through it by themselves. As for me, I am blessed and have good family and have faith of God and the miracles. I have seen miracles and I cannot find the words but it is very touching and truthfully it makes you emotional. No one can understand how God takes care of us and we just keep moving and inspiring others. I will look into getting your book and look forward into reading it.
Thank you for being you. God Bless you and your family.
First of all, I wish you all the love and prayer that I can. I don't even have words, but just please feel my energy. Maybe just a tiny tiny bit I can halfway know what you must be feeling. I live in the bed and have for the past 30 years. Just when I feel Iike I have it bad, God gives me someone like you encourage me to keep on pushing. I thank God for you! I thank God for Tyrese, PTL
I will keep you and your family in prayer,
I will keep Tyrese in prayer,
and I hear that Joy in your voice,
pray for me too!
God Bless!
Love, Valorie!
MaralaScott You are beautiful and inspirational, I'm so thankful to Tyrese for sharing you and your message with us! I'm getting your book!
Who knows why things specifically happen to us but after all this time we realize that our purpose is deeper than just us developing and figuring out who we are but rather who have we touched and left impressions on. Please know that you have left something with me, you are an angel on earth.
-- Nadine B.
U of course do not know me but what we both know is....... u can
never get too much love and support. I am in seattle wa and have heard about your strength from Tyrese . He says you are his" hero" that's awesome really! I have a couple heros and it is a special person who becomes one . One who does the extraordiary! My prayers are with u and my thoughts. Use us all!!! We are here. My love to u and
those around u.... lorene
Praying for you and wanted to share the best way I can with you.
no matter what. Great is God's Faithfulness. From my heart to yours. You must have such a beautiful spirit that Tyrese is so inspired to share your story.
God Bless!
I am going to buy your book on amazon right now. I must commend you on LIVING and appreciating the life that God has blessed you with regardless of your circumstances. As you LIVE you inspire others to live I hope you know what I mean by that. There are far to many people who are like "robots" in this life they get up go to work come home take care of their homes and repeat this cycle over and over without actually LIVING. A lot of us are not LIVING how God wants us to live by using our lives to inspire FAITH HOPE & LOVE in others.
I want you to know I appreciate you and wish you all the best in this life and I too am LIVING Please keep in touch I'd love to be a part of your LOVE CIRCLE.
Much Love,
I just listen to your message with Tyrese just now and I truly believe that you are a walking miracle. I want to thank you for sharing your testimony with us. God Bless You. I cant thank you enough. Your testimony has put a lot of things into perspective for me. It is amazing how a problem can just melt away by listening to others testify. You are truly Blessed.
First, I would like to thank you for sharing your story. I was in such awe when I heard you speak with so much strength and courage. I wanted to let you know that you and your family is in my prayers. And like Tyrese says it's not about pity. I'm just so amazed with your will. God is really our all, he shows us who is really in charge. I won't be all long in this email, so I will say this:God never gives us more than we can handle and he don't put us to it if he wouldn't get us thru it. Keep your faith. God bless you and your family. Oh! Congrats on you 1yr Anniversary.
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your story with us. I'm going out today to get the book, found the website and the introduction already has me hooked . Keep doing what you are doing and good luck with everything; it was very nice having you in the love circle.
Best wishes and many blessings to you and yours
God is using you…and you are allowing HIM to. Thank you! Sometimes God has a plan for us and we fight it. Our fate has already been determined..and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we can live life. PLEASE continue to share your testimony, to pray, to save lives and to be the inspiration sooooooooo many people need. I will add you to my prayer list and pray daily for you. And, if it’s ok, I’d like to email you daily. (let me know if it’s ok. I know you are getting tons already)
I listened to your message with Tyrese last night and I was totally in awe. I didn't realize how much we take things for granted. I shared your inspiration with others. I know it probably took alot for you to let me in your personal space, but I appreciate you sharing it with us. Thank you so much!!!!!
Thanks again for sharing your story. It's very inspirational. you don't realize how many people you've touched.
Thx for helping me appreciate life.
I admire your courage and strong will. You are truly an inspiration to the inner circle of love.
i'm going out to get the book asap! after hearing marala and tyrese message i was so encourage and uplifted! i can only imagine what type of journey the book will take me on! :+)
I just want to say thank you for being who you are! You're definitely someone to look up to, you motivate and encourage me by your strength!
hey how are you? tyrese gibson left a message i got yesterday. i hope all is well. and will be gettin and reading the book!
Thank You for being the person that you are! I don't know you personally but you are such an inspiration to alot of people - myself included.After hearing your story - I know somehow one way or another things will be alright!
You are very welcome thank you for sharing and inspiring greatness in all of us.
I called the service and listened to Tyrese's msg. I plan on purchasing your book. I think that its awesome that you've made such a impact that he is sharing his testimony...sometimes people don't see entertainers as real people...but knowing that he's actually God the praise and letting people know God is real...its surreal.
Im an avid reader...and when I finish, I'll let u know what I thoughts. Thank you for being a positive inspiration...
Hey there I listen to the mesg and I wanted to let you no that I will be going to buy and read your book, and that you are so right I to thank god every day and night and I am very thankful to have listen to you and tyrese.
Thank you so much for sharing your story with the world. There are so many things going on in the world that people would rather sit and focus on the negative things, but you have shown us that no matter what you're going through, God will always be there with you every step of the way, just leave it in his hands, keep the faith and continue to live you're live to the fullest.
I will continue to follow your example and embrace every part of life with love and positivity.
Was truly inspiring! Thank you for sharing with us a important part in your life. Your helping others more than you may know. I hear you completely.
I just listened to the message that you left on Tyrese's line. I am so inspired by your strength. The joy that I hear in your voice is so amazing. You are truly fulfilling your destiny, by sharing your struggles and being an inspiration to so many. God's purpose for you is great. Thank you so much for sharing such an intimate part of your life.
I have prayed that God keep you in perfect health and that you prosper daily with God's divine healing...That his anointing saturate you from the crown of your head to the souls of your feet...I intend on getting the book In Our House Perception vs. Reality soon. Again, thank you for the words you shared from your heart to us today...blessings always and keep smiling.
I just want to send you a direct message letting you know you are so inspiring to me. I enjoyed listening to such an outstanding message. May God Bless you and your family forever!!!
Loved the book! OMG Loved it! Loved it!
I look forward to reading your book! I actually heard about it through Tyrese Love Circle....I'm sure he would be glad to know that....LOL...I hope to meet you someday....I to look forward to sharing my life experience with the world on paper one day....It has been quite the journey and Im very familiar with your experience.....
First, I want to thank Tyrese for pubbing your book through the phone number he posted on Twitter. The message was so inspirational and I call it everyday to hear the feedback about your book. I usually go by people's opinions when it comes to reading books and because of the publicity and content of your book, I'm very excited about purchasing it!
Continue to be an inspiration to women and I will be writing you soon about my thoughts on your book!
Your story is so inspirational; Tyrese brought it to my attention! Keep it up; you are inspiring so many!
You are amazing.I Just want to tell you that you changed MY LIFE Thank you.
I am so grateful Tyrese brought you into my life! You are such an inspiration to me and I pray for you everyday! God bless.
I thought our family was the only behind closed door wealthy family like that.I have not gotten that far in your book yet. I am shocked.We went to catholic schools and all was our home so far. I keep remembering the same things with my brother and sisters faces. I am the only child out of all of us that will speaks to my father to this day. They all think I am the strongest. I always say I am who I am today for lessons learned by a belt. I am better for it. I broke the chain. I do not believe in hurting anyone for any reason. I can't hurt a bird driving.I'm not sure I am the strongest, in his home it still can be a war zone. He can be real; sweet, you always walk on egg shells. If you look wrong or say you don't like something he does, IT IS ON! He gets this look in his eyes and you know. I strongly believe in God for I believe it has made me a better person. I love God and I know I would not have survived the war if he didn't love me more.I don't have time nor can I feel negative feelings it is not who I am. I can only understand what your childhood was like. To this day everyone will not talk about it. My father even says we never got in trouble much. It was everday! So far you have told my story, the one we are afraid to tell.
The love Circle
Hi Mrs. Marala,
How have you been? Good I hope; I just wanted to let you know that I finally got the book!! After 3 bookstores and 3 bookstore website I got it! My husband check the mail last night and woke me up and surprised me w/it. I just want to thank you and your husband for signing it for me. I was so excited and could not stop smiling. You should've seen me and my husband we were examining the book and we even put his glasses on just to see if it was really you guys who wrote that, LOL. Anyway I just want to thank you again. Started reading last night and can't put it down! Thank you again.
Best wishes to you and your family
Shonte'a Wall
I did in fact love your book I could not put it down. Although upsetting and frustrating it had me, I found myself cringing as though it were me. I do have a few questions, like what happened to your brothers today how are they? What happened to your father? And how on earth did you find it In you to be so damn strong as not to leave the house sooner even if you didn't have a place to go?
You continue to be my inspiration. Please thank Tyrese for sharing your story. I will definetly getting a book too.
This book is a great book.
It made me think about how I'm treating myself, others, and my relationship with God. You have to have faith.
Most people think there life is hard, but they need to know that somebody is going through something much worse.
Abuse and violence is an issue that isn't talked about enough, so I'm happy Marala is helping others by spreading the word.
What I thought about the characters:
Colin: I was so mad at him for how he treated his family. I can't imagine hurting someone that has done nothing but love me. He shouldn't have taken out his anger and frustrations on anyone. I have a lot to say about him, but I can't get it out.
Alley: I felt she was strong to a point, but then she lost faith. I wish she would have done something to protect her children and left her husband.
The kids: I feel they should have RAN AWAY! Just kidding! I felt, in some situation, they shouldn't have acted up because they knew the what the consequences were going to be.
I'm glad Marala got through this and came out strong. Not only to be able to tell her story, but also to help others. I love her for all that she has done so far and what she will do in the future.
I finally started reading your book and WOW you right it's hard.I'm only on the 2nd chapter,stop to let you that I'm really feelin this as read I couldn't stop the tears from fallin.(Tyrese from the love circle suggested this amazing book.)Marala I will keep you posted as I continue to read this book.
I am a Tyrese fan, however I have been unduly inspired by this young man. I doubt that he will ever know to what extent what he has done for me. His motivational messages are always right on time for me. I listened intentively to his messages on the Loveline and his messages inspired me. I listened closely as he introduce his beloved friend to his fans. You must be real special. He rarely does that. I heard your message on the loveline and I was impressed with your calmness and your strength. I doubt seriously if I could be. You are the example for us to follow Marala. A forgiving spirit, a humble spirit and a godly spirit. Lord knows we need to follow your example.
Marala,I must tell you that you encourage me to reach my goals n dreams. You have touched so many people, I hope all is well with you.
I'm never at a loss of words. But, after reading this book, I was. All I could do was cry...and pray healing upon your body and mind. The abuse in our house didn't just cover phyical and mental...we were molested as well. Over the years, we never faced our past head on...but now we were able to actually address what we call unspeakable. I don't think you ever really recover...u sorta move on and try to "forget" it as if it never existed... But thank you for sharing...for making those of us who were never strong enough to face our fears AWARE that when we are weak, the devil is strong.I will share the link with everyone I know. You're truly an Angel. Love and Hugs ~Chocolate
I think this is great that Oprah put the incredible work Ms. Scott and Mr. Parker are doing across the country. Speaking out about the prevention of domestic violence and child abuse is something to be applauded. I think after reading the book I find Ms. Scott speaking out about her childhood is something magnificent to share her personal triumph over tragedy. This book is destined to become a movie for all the world to see a life that has been hidden for so long. My heart stopped at the description of what they went through. I want to read more from these authors. Sorry to write so much but this isn't something you don't talk about.
Oprah's Angel Network found you Ms. Scott! Congratulations for being recognized along with Mr. Tre Parker and Tyrese for all of you passionate work. We need you! you are an inspiration.
This book is so powerful is in so many ways. The title is In Our House, Perception vs. Reality. In life, we deal with situations where we have to be one way with certain people and a different way with others…perception vs. reality. When we go to work everyday we are one way at work and another when we get home…perception vs. reality. A good example is a child who has to deal with mental and physical abuse while they are home and once they leave the house they must put on an act like everything is peachy keen…perception vs. reality.Marala Scott is victim of this perception, people thought her family had it good because her father worked for IBM, but in reality, Marala was mentally, physically and emotionally drained. She was drained so much with negativity that she began to believe that none of her accomplishments were good enough.
It is so amazing how small I felt after reading this book, my brother was telling me to read this book and he had a unique face that displayed many different emotions, emotions like joy, anger, love, hate, confusion and even remorse. At first I was wondering why he spoke so highly of this story and why he continually told me that, “it would bring me down to earth, and whatever I was going through would not seem so bad after I laid my hands and eyes on In Our House.” Its so amazing how as I was reading this book I felt as if I was Marala Scott telling her story. I’m not saying that I know how she feels but the style of writing used and the way she organizes her words is so unique and powerful. Marala Scott is someone that went through hell, literally, and she is still standing strong. Marala Scott is a hero, one of my heroes. What Michael Jordan is to basketball, Tiger Woods is to golf, Mohammad Ali is to boxing…that is what Marala Scott is to mankind. There will only be one Marala Scott. She is so bold, tough, and strong one of the most powerful people I know. They say you are a product of your environment and Marala is, but with Marala, she is more than just a product of her environment, she learned from it and passed along knowledge, not only to her children but also to those who have the privilege of personally knowing her. You know how when you are around certain people and you really cannot explain the energy that they give off but it immediately grabs your attention. That’s Marala Scott. Every time I am around her, I gain more knowledge towards the road of not only success but the road of life.
After reading this book and learned about how Maralas’ father was towards her, its shocking that her and siblings are still alive. They could have taken all of the negativity that was instilled in them for many years and passed it along to those with whom they came into contact with. They all lived through it and learned from it. Once the world meets Marala, time will stop because that is how much positive energy she has. She is not only a super mother but also a parent to many people aside from her biological children. I remember the first time I met her, I will never forget that smile. She has an addicting smile that will uplift your soul. After reading about her life story, I couldn’t understand how she went through so much yet has that smile that says, “Everything will be okay.”
After every chapter I had to pause and say, “hold up…hold up…your father did what?” In the book Marala stated that she would be watching talk shows on TV and the topics would be about family problems or other issues that might affect someone personally. She would instantly get upset and turn off the TV because she knew that whatever they were experiencing was nothing in comparison to what took place in her house. Part of the title to this book is perception vs. reality, actually that would be a great title for the book because it explains what people perceive things to be versus what things really are. To society their family appeared to be this wealthy void of any problems, but in reality the mother and children feared for their lives everyday. She was witnessing and dealing with issues that most adults, do not and will not deal with during their lifetime. I use the word issues, which is an under-statement because what they had to live through was as close to living in the lake of fire…hell, I mean, that is humanly possible.
I first became aware of the book back in November from a book store owner who spoke very favorable of the book. I decided to support the author by attending her book signing. After meeting the author and listening to her discussion I was totally impressed and excited about reading the book. I read the book in 4 days. I must admit that I was so intrigued because I had never read anything like it before. The fact that the book is based on a true story makes it such a conversation piece. I've purchased over 9 books to share with my friends and family. They have all thanked me because they all agree that "In Our House" is a great book.
I strongly encourage you to read it and share it with others. This is the kind of book that needs to be told on the big screen. We all need to see witness Reality vs. Perception.
Toni Johnson
Laurels Thanks
I just wanted to let you know that I have finished the book; and I just have one question. Who sent sister Cyprus and her friends and how did they know so much? I think I may missed or over looked it. I do have to say that reading your story has made a lasting impression on my life. Let's just say it's time for SHONTE'A and what does she want for her reality and not her perception. You are truly an amazing, strong and powerful women to over come what has happened in your life. And you have inspired me to stand up for mine and my happiness. Thank You!
Have a great day and I will be keeping in touch Friend.
P.S. Have you written anything else? And is there anything else that you would recommend to read?
I was in the grocery store the other day and I swear I saw Marala and Tre' walking around like normal people. I said hi to her and she smiled with the most beautiful and peaceful look and spoke back to me. I didn't want to start talking about the book in the store but I told her I read it and she took my hand in hers and thanked me. Who does that? I met someone that I admire for her stregnth to overcome the obstacles in her life and the courage to tell her story so that it helps others like me. I feel so connected to her, not like a stalker, but to her. She has angels all around her. Her husband looks good too. Anyway, this is a story that everbody that can read should read. It is the best that's out there and will be a movie out of this world. If you can't read, have someone read it to you because you'll learn more about life, people and yourself than you ever thought you knew. What an honor. Keep writing for us.
Once again thank u for being "U", truly a masterpiece of LIFE!
Mega big props for your work in the community for child abuse and domestic violence being featured on Oprah's Angel Network. Marala and Tre are Angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bought the book on Barnes & Noble after hearing Tyrese and Marala share their friendship and truth with all of us in the Love Circle. The book is the kind of book you’d wait a lifetime to read. This is it! It blew my mind in so many directions it hasn’t come back yet. The family has gone through so much but to read it and understand what hell they lived in I can’t describe. This needs to be turned into a movie for the big screen. Her life story is the kind of thing that should be an inspiration to all who hear it and share theirs with her.
Tyrese is a blessing to promote the book the way he has. The passion and love he shares and shows for Marala tells who he really is. I can’t wait to share this story.
I bought the book on Barnes & Noble after hearing Tyrese and Marala share their friendship and truth with all of us in the Love Circle. The book is the kind of book you'd wait a lifetime to read. This is it! It blew my mind in so many directions it hasn't come back yet. The family has gone through so much but to read it and understand what hell they lived in I can't describe. This needs to be turned into a movie for the big screen. Her life story is the kind of thing that should be an inspiration to all who hear it and share theirs with her.
Tyrese is a blessing to promote the book the way he has. The passion and love he shares and shows for Marala tells who he really is. I can't wait to share this story.
The acknowledgement given by Oprah's Angel Network for the work the authors are doing is remarkable. We need more inspirational angels like you. Thank you.
Hey Marala Scott. Thank you!! I will definitely spread the word about you & the book! I've never been so mesmerized by anyone.(Love Circle)
H-e-l-l-o Marala Scott. I completed your book. WWWOOOWWW!!I love you 4 life, and I got your back! I'll see you at your next book signing!!!
I am so grateful that Tyrese brought you in my life! I have learned alot from you and I appreciate life alot more!
Congratulations on being a finalist for the Indie Excellence Awards! Great job for an inspirational piece of work. More blessings to come.
I just finished reading this book not to long ago and it touched me on so many levels. It made me take a huge step back and re-evaluate my life. I've heard of people going through a lot of things, but never to this extent. Mrs. Marala Scott (to me) brings hope and strength to anyone who embraces her story. If she can take something so tragic and turn it into something so positive, then I know that I and anyone can do the same if they take the time. I believe that she is truly an angel sent from GOD. Thank you Tyrese for sharing Mrs. Marala Scott with the love circle. It has been an honor getting to know her as an author, as well as, a person. The best of luck to YOU and Mr. Tre' Parker. May GOD continue to bless you in everything that you do.
P.S. If you have not read the book; go get it and read! The best book I have ever read!! Truly an amazing story written by two amazing people!
Shonte'a Wall
bka- keeping the inspiration going
I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you:
Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you:
It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend:
Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you:
It was that kind of book Marala! The kind that captures me like Maya Angelou books do. It was riveting, suspenseful! BRAVO! As I mentioned in my email, I am still soaking it all in, will tell you my thoughts soon! I suppose I never thought about about the speed at which I read it, I guess it is normal reading speed for me. Never really thought about it. I couldn't put it down!
Congratulations on being a finalist for the National Indie Excellence Award! This is a huge accomplishment especially for your first book. Both of you should be on cloud nine. I'm sorry it came at the price of the life you endured but it'll help others. I heard you speak of your father's good traits and I can hear the love you have for him. We all have a bad side when push comes to shove but it's good that you still point out the good things he's done that have made you and your brothers successful. I wish you much success with this book and I hope to see it as a movie soon.
This book is a very well written, easy to read book. It does have a lot of details in regards to the physical and verbal abuse that the family receives from the father. However, abuse should not be taken lightly. This book helps others realize that this is a very real and true circumstance that many live and deal with on a daily basis. Each chapter begins with a bible verse. In the beginning of the book, it is hard to understand the relationship of the biblical aspect that is brought into the book. But the powerful and amazing ending helps bring the biblical point of the book into perspective. Definitely a must read book for everyone!
Hey I am on twitter and I saw a posted from Tyrese about your book. I just wanted to say congratulations on being the National Indie Excellence Awards Finalist. I am so proud! Thanks again for sharing this w/me. Have a good night
Wanna send a HUGE congrats to maralascott for this amazing accomplishment
I read this book when it first came out and absolutely could not put it down. I am an avid reader and would definitely rate this book in the top 5 favorite books I've ever read. Reading the abuse that is suffered by Marala, her siblings, and mother is enough to bring people to tears, I know it did to me. As you are reading the book you can feel every blow that the family goes through, as if you were right there standing next to them. This book is also a great testimony to the wonderful powers of God. I recommend everyone buys this book and gives it a try. No one I have ever recommended it to has ever been disappointed. Plus if you have experienced what she has or know someone who has, this can truly help you to see you are not alone and that you can survive horrible things like the ones in the book.
I thought it was a really good book.
Anyone that speaks up about child abuse and preventing domestic violence is making a difference. Thanks for sharing your story so that it'll help others care about the growing issue. The book is mind opening. It's a phenomenal life changing story.
Thanks for providing me the the opportunity to realize the importance of looking at how I'm treating my wife and letting our kids. The way your father treated his family is far worse than the problems I have with my wife but I'm only a few steps away. My sister handed me the book In Our House and said "read it Colin". So I did and the similarities were stunning. Although I never cracked my wife's head against a wall like a ball hitting a bat, we do have our fights. This isn't what I want my kids to continue seeing. So it's time to change. Thanks Marala and Tre. The book had an affect on me instantly. I'll pray for continued acknowledgement of my faults and pray for mercy. I'm going to fight but only to be a better husband and father. I never want my kids growing up with the memories that Marala still has.
I was pleased to find this book was a finalist for the National Indie Excellence Award due to the nature of the content and development of an inspirational memoir. This could have been a book that told a tale of abuse which is common in many households. Instead the authors took caution to warn the reader about the evils of outside forces that can affect ones life. The destructiveness that was displayed throughout the book was not left as the story. It connected several underlying plots or messages and revealed a story of triumph. Although it may not seem like it from one chapter to the next it is there. This book is inspirational in many, many ways. I recommend this as a book to share whether or not an abusive situation is present. It makes you aware of how not to be. The characters were very real and emotional. They brought life to this memoir in a way that is rare. I needed to know what was going to happen and each page kept answering questions along the way. There were hints and suggestive information that was shared to provide a deeper understanding as to what happened in their house. I read the book a second time and discovered more intersting clues. This is something that I'd like to see as a movie. I don't condone the choices that the mother made but it a strange way I understood it being a parent. This was a book that I'd call the kind you have to read. The award was well deserved because it kept me reading, interested and emotionally locked. I have so much to say but I'll stop here.
Tonette Lawson
Before I read this book I prayed and asked God to open my mind and heart for understanding. I really didn't know what to expect but I was and am very open minded. When reading this book there was several times that I had to put this book down for a day or two just to pray and get my mind together.
I felt like I could see each person in this book. Experiencing what this family went through (although not physically) through Marala's words where heart breaking. I don't want to say this was a good book or story because the type of pain that they had to endure was horrible. But for sure I can say its a small glimpse into there lives and so many others that deal with this type of violence behind closed doors.
This story had to be told to make us all aware of the world around us. Also there are many people who feel alone and need to know that they are not and there is help for them.
I am happy that I've read this book but very sad that there is so much pure evil in this world.
This book hit home. The work that's being done to help keep domestic violence and child abuse disasters from happening surrounding the book is applauded. I think this but was an honest account of what goes on behind closed doors. It's sad that all these years later its still taking place and we havent' put enough laws into place to stop it. Keep going Tre and Marala.
How many stories go untold? Marala is one of the courageous few who have put pen to paper to elighten us all. God has blessed many of us in different ways. For Oprah he has given her a worldwide forum. Where much is given much is expected and based on my experience Oprah has blessed many with her time, talent and treasurers via her show. Is it time for Oprah to have Marala on the show?
I have to say this book opened my eyes to a lot of things that people generally make the choice to overlook. Child abuse is one. As a teacher I've seen too many incidents that have gone without being addressed like the children in the memoir. It really is time to start speaking up. Thank you for the honesty in your words. Although the story is tragic and horrible to read, it is making a difference because now I will not remain silent on things such as this. Congratulations on the National Indie Excellence Award. Please write more.
I have to say this book opened my eyes to a lot of things that people generally make the choice to overlook. Child abuse is one. As a teacher I've seen too many incidents that have gone without being addressed like the children in the memoir. It really is time to start speaking up. Thank you for the honesty in your words. Although the story is tragic and horrible to read, it is making a difference because now I will not remain silent on things such as this. Congratulations on the National Indie Excellence Award. Please write more.
I heard the radio interview this morning and was inspired to read the book. I could hear the inspiration your voice and felt that there is something in that book I think I need to read about. I purchased the book while you were on air and can't wait to receive it. Thank you Ms. Scott for sharing your story. The support you're getting nationwide is showing us just how important this message is. We need to listen when someone is trying to tell you how to avoid the pain they went thru. Thank you for sharing you painful and horrific life to help others.
I think this story needs to be shared worldwide. I appreciate your courage and compassion.
Congratulations on the success and being award-winning authors. The radio interview this morning hit hard for me. I agree that we don't do enough to help others until that particular issue hits close to home. Cancer, aids, and similar ailments aren't something we really care to address or help with a responsible solution to until it slaps us in our face. Domestic violence and child abuse should be something we all work to help prevent because it's a mounting societal problem.
I started reading the book In Our House, Perception vs. Reality this afternoon and already its exasperating and I feel part of the horrid environment and on that emotional lift. I look forward the completion. The book is extremely well written.
The interview on ipower was eye opening and powerfully shared. Thanks for educating us on how to spot an abuser by understanding the indicators. This kind of education is necessary at high school levels and above. Hopefully the pain you and your family suffered will help change the path of abuse that may have been taken.
My parents are reading this book and think it's awesome! They told me a little about it and I think you're absolutely amazing, Marala!
Ms. Scott the event was enlightening and you were amazing in person! Thank you for the opportunity to witness your incredible spirit and personality. You took time to talk to everyone like we were all equally important to you. The buzz about the book and you is hot! This event helped me more than you know. Peace forever and may God keep you helping people like me.
"The last 24 hours changed my life. I am so inspired by what I heard. Before making it back to Michigan I called my Pastor and First Lady to meet with them to receive guidance with starting a program in Lansing to "prevent" domestic violence. Thank you are truly a blessing."
The event was a huge success to spreading the word stopping the violence. As Sean Anthony stated, this is a movement! Great job Marala and Tre!
Each of us has been given a hand of playing cards in life. Some of us start out with a winning hand and others want to just throw in the cards they are dealt. What we all must remember is that God is with us always. He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell with us and give us wisdom and peace. We can shape our lives to be whatever we want it to be. There is nothing in life that should make any of us ever give up on living. If you want to be happy, do just that, get happy. Look back at past victories you have had and be joyful that you made it. If you got through yesterday, you will get though today and tomorrow. The enemy hates us all so much that he does everything in his power to kill our spirit and to kill us. When you are tested, use it as a testimony to help others heal. We all have a purpose in this world. It is our job to seek our purpose partners and keep God first in our live. When we line up with our purpose partners and the God we can handle any weapon the enemy send our way. There is always peace in Gods arms not matter what life dishes your way. Speak positive things out of your mouth and you will have a positive life. Words have major power and can shape your world. Be thankful for the people God sends to help you grow and don‘t have a rebellious spirit. Always know that though your hard work you can change lives. Marala is truly an amazing woman who is shaping the world and changing lives. She is using her testimony to save and change lives one person at a time. Her strength is a blessing and she is a gift to the world. Reading the book In Our House by Marala Scott and Tre’ Parker will change your life forever on so many levels. This book is necessary tool for anyone breathing on this earth. Improve your life today and help humanity. I pray I am able to continue to use my testimony to help shape lives. God Bless John 10:10 Philippians 3:13-14 2 Corinthians 5:7 Proverbs 18:21 Matthew 6:31-34
I attended the HEAL event and also read the book, and I was in tears. You never realize all that can be classified as Domestic Violence until you get involved and learn more about the subject. The event was great, and many people were brace enough to tell their stories. This book was so great and I encourage all to read it. What these children went through was hell, and many people overlooked them, and today many overlook the issue!
It was a fantastic evening! Thank you!
It was a pleasure to celebrate your accomplishment with you at the event. I am so proud of you and recognize your drive for the betterment of others and the empowerment of women for self sufficiency and sensitivity with abuse in all aspects.
This is a book that I'll be recommending for a long time. It took me by emotional storm and I haven't been the same since. Thanks for sharing such a powerful story giving insight and inspiration.
Thank you for the inspiration you injected into my life through the unselfish act of sharing your life's pain. The book was the best ever.
I love the website. It displays beauty and peace behind a terrible topic of child abuse and domestic violence. The book however was just pehnomenal! Best of luck because this should be a movie!
Congratulations on the nominations for for your work to combat and educate people about the warning signs of a person that abuses people. That's good stuff.
As someone that has never experienced domestic violence or anything even remotely similar, Marala's story opened my eyes to an horrific world that I barely new existed. Through many conversations with her and just watching how she touches the lives of others, she never stops amazing me at the wonderful and powerful things she can accomplish. Through her story, Marala is truly going to change the lives of many people everywere. Not only is she empowering women, but she is also setting out to empower children and men, to escape the horrid hand of domestic violence. She is an example to people everywhere. Although she has experienced more terrible things than anyone could even dream of, she stays more positive than anyone I know and is the most kind-hearted loving woman. Her inspiring words will absolutely take her story above and beyond the rest!
This is 1 of the best books I've ever read, U need 2 read this. It hit home real hard.
I haven't read the book but i heard about it from tyrese. i love this website. So now i will read the book. Congratulations on the awards.
Congratulations on the awards Ms. Scott. We love you.
This is the best website. nice job.
I highly recommend Marala. She is a passionate speaker. I've had the privilege of hearing her speak about her book, In Our House, Perception vs. Reality, at a book signing at Howard University. The book left me speechless as Marala reflects on horrific encounters of her upbringing and the healing process that it took to be at peace with her past. Marala is a true survivor. She is a personable, vivacious ball of energy despite the hardships that she has endured in her life. She is a delight to be around and always keeps a smile on her face. Anyone who conducts business with Marala are in for a treat and will not be disappointed at all."
Congratulations Ms. Scott on the other awards. I'm proud to say I read the book an think it should keep winning.
The book blew me away. It was an eye opener and helped me in more ways than I care to admit. I'm very conscious now. Congratulations on the additional awards they're well deserved.
My name is Christine Hatch.This is so well written I have been at a loss for words. Truthfully I still am. Please remember to forgive is to let go and let God. I learned the hard way to hold on to those feelings only effected me.The cause goes on with life and most times never sees or thinks about it. From their stand point things you feel do not exist. God bless you and from this moment forward live a happy life. The best revenge is being happy and living a good life!
Forgiveness. Such a beautiful and powerful message rolled up into a necessary inspiration. Thank you Marala and Tre.
I was fortunate enough to attend the speech Ms. Scott gave at BWU. I never could have imagined someone that had the life she did could turn out to care so much about others. She's a really positive person and compelling speaker. When some of the other kids didn't get to see her live but saw the video, they were mad they missed it because her message was so powerful and hit a nerve for a lot of them. I read the book and was completely blown away. I loved it and think its going to become a movie. This is a remarkable story coming from an even more remarkable woman. Thank you for teaching me and my peers about the indicators of an abuser and how to avoid situations of domestic violence. This will definitely help me. The poem about how and why to forgive had a deep impact too.
The Indicators of an Abuser have already help me and my daughter. Thank you for sharing information to make a difference in our lives and persist that silence is dealy. You also share that knowledge is power. It is. Thank you Ms. Scott.
I want to say thank you for sharing the indicators of an abuser because I have a friend that's getting involved with a guy that has a lot of the indicators. All of our friends can see that he's not good for her because of his temper and controlling ways but she's oblivious to it. He began trying to keep her away from us because we're not fooled by him nice demeanor he show her parents and everyone else. Anyways, I printed the indicators from your website and shared them with her. I could see her getting it. It's a few weeks later and she's done with him. Thank you. Thank you. The indicators were all there and she just needed to see them in black and white. Thank you for sharing your life to help others.
The indicators of an abuser saved my best friend from a potentially really abusive relationship. I actually printed the Indicators of an Abuser from your website and gave them to her. All of our friends could see this guy she was getting involved with was way too controlling and jealous. Everyone could see it but her and he even had her parents fooled. Anyways, I could see the indicators were making her think when she started crying while reading them. It was speaking to her right off the page. Thank you for sharing your life's story to help others such as my friend and even me because I didn't want to lose her to abuse. Here we are a few weeks later and she's done with the near dangerous relationship and she's sharing the indicators. Thank you.
Ms. Scott, I've had the privilege of seeing you speak and you're energy is powerful and impactful. The story even more so. Thanks for being an inspiration to so many of us.
Spread your link. You are doing it. Believe. Visualize your life as it can be and it shall be.
Please go on and give a bit of your story. You sound like someone who made change, got out and is creating a huge positive future. Thank you for you and for your accomplishments so far.
Looking for female role models to be acknowledged by national mainstream media. Thank you.
The article is well deserved. Congratulations Ms. Scott and Mr. Parker.
tnette1975Marala Scott
Verbal and physical abuse in families and relationships’ often go undetected for many reasons. Some people fear the embarrassment of exposing family matters, fear of losing a loved one, or having been threatened. Your story is a unique one because in the African American community verbal and physical abuse run deep and no one talks about it much and if you do hear a tale its followed by a tragedy that in some cases could have been prevented with the proper help or support. With that being said there are many people of all walks of life living in a silent domestic hell who’s praying for someone., anyone to take notice and help. What you have lived through may have been horrible for you but in some ways it’s a blessing to people who feel that the average person could never understand what they may be going through. You and your story have touched me. I pray that you and your experiences spread like wildfire to help the many who feel helpless and to save lives. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS A SILENT KILLER.
Congratulations! Oprah saluting you as an Ambassador of Hope is exciting. Keep doing all that you are because you're making a differece. The indicators of an abuser are waking us up! I love you. The book is phenomenal, like you.
Shae J.
Marala has been an inspiring part of my life for the past 10 years. Wefirst met during a very tragic point in my life. I was 20 years oldand my girlfriend was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.Marala, with her infectious optimism and wisdom, was there to guideme through this most difficult time and provided me with hope whenlife seemed hopeless. Marala shared her story with me and allowed meto read parts of her memoir in its early stages. It was hard for meto understand what she went through and that these things werepossible. Through her own hardships, Marala helped me to cope with myown. Her ability to speak openly about such darkness reflects herundeniable strength while even more remarkable is her ability toforgive such brutality. As a teacher, I've witnessed abuse first hand and the effects on itsvictims are devastating. Just like Marala, the majority of childrensuffer in agonizing silence. Most are not equipped with theresilience Marala possessed and tragically, they seem to repeat thesame mistakes they were exposed to. Marala is a testament that throughfaith these hurdles can be overcome. She is bringing much neededawareness to this topic and providing a voice for those who have losttheir own. She is a gift to everyone in her life and the publicationof her story is truly a blessing to us all.
Where do I start when it comes to Marala Scott and In Our House? Ms. Scott is one of the most resilient, spiritual and genuine people that I know. What makes her a much more phenomenal woman is that she was able to overcome what makes so many victims jaded. She told her story- her childhood of mental and physical abuse- in such vivid detail that you are mentally exhausted from all of the emotions you feel. This was her life! The fact that she remained spiritual throughout these childhood trauma and still feels blessed as an adult is even more amazing! We tend to turn our backs on God when bad things happen to good people.
Because she is telling her story without holding back and speaking out against abuse, she is touching more lives than I can even fathom. Victims of abuse remain silent and ashamed for too long. She is giving people courage and letting other victims know that they are not alone.
Her story needs to be heard by everyone, but she is inspiring the black community, where, in my opinion, abuse is underreported and looked at in some areas as just a fact of life.
She is an inspiration to me and she touches every single life in which she enters. Everyone that reads In Our House or hears her story has been, is being, or knows someone who has been or is being abused in some way. She is encouraging people to be brave, get help, and stop abuse, because you may be a victim, but you don't have to be forever. What else can we ask for?
Ms. Scott, thank you!
Ms. Scott. Congratulations on Oprah's saluting you as an Ambassador of Hope. It is well earned because you've been an inspiration to me for years. The encouragement you've provided not only to your children but for those who've needed you was out of a deep love and compassion you have now because of what you didn't have as a child. Thank you for sharing who God destined you to be so that you help empower, motivate and encourage people like me.
I pray that everyone who hears the name In Our House remembers it. This story will change and affect lives.
With Gratitude
Congratulations Mr. Parker and Ms. Scott. Thank you for the positive information you're spreading. It does make a difference. I'll share the message. Best Wishes.
Congratulations Ms. Scott on being 1 of 20 Outstanding Women You Should Know! Your work and book is an inspiration.
All the Best
I have read your book, cover to cover ! i can only say one thing about it: absolutely moving . you are honestly someone to look up to . you are amazing .
I read this book and don't have anything to say but I'm in awe of the story. I've recommended it to everyone I know. Your strength is applauded Ms. Scott. God Bless.
Thank you Ms. Scott for making it difference and sharing your inspirational message. The book is one of the best, if not the best book I've ever read and I'm already recommending it to everyone. I loved your message at FSU. I hope you continue to get through to people the way you did me. Love right back to ya!
Excellent presentation about abuse at Florida State University. My friends and I had a lot to talk about and address after your presentation. You were the most energetic and the best speaker I've ever seen. You hit to the core without holding back. We love you too!
I finished the book for the second time this week. I had to go back and see did I really read what I thought! OMG!!! Thank you for sharing your world and life with all of us because some of us have pieces of yours. The book hit home like a ton of bricks. It has to be the best book I've ever read. I'm already sharing the book. I love it!
When people share their pain to help others it makes all the difference in the world and they may never know it. So here I am to thank you for sharing and making all the difference in the world to me. Keep sharing your wisdom and change the world to make it a more peaceful place. God bless you Ms. Scott.
I think we sometimes forget these things go on today. We think that this is something only for our Grandparents generation, but the reality is it still happens today. Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you Ms. Scott for sharing your life to help us with ours. The book was an eye-opening revelation for me and my mom.I look forward to reading more from you because your messages affect everyone from some angle or another. I would like to attend one of your retreats. How can I register? I really like the website.
Denise in TN
Alright now! Retreat time! I'm ready Ms.Scott.
This has to be the best and most impactful book I've ever opened. We're all looking forward to hearing you speak next week Ms. Scott. Thank you for sharing your story.
Thank you for speaking to those of us that are trying to make a difference with abusers. You gave excellent insight that we don't often hear or view from that perspective. Your presentation at OSU was something to talk about! You exceeded our expectations Ms. Scot. Thank you to you and Mr. Parker. We would love to have you as or keynote in October. I appreciate you signing my book. It was well worth the wait. I have recommended this book to all of my family, friends and co-workers. Thank you.
That was a very impressive presentation Ms. Scott. Many thanks to you for sharing your life to empower, help and save others. The book is now my favorite and what a call a necessary read. I love your energy and spirit. God Bless.
Ms. Scott I am hoping that your come back to speak in Florida again for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October. Your message is powerful enough to make people make changes. You made me. Thank you for everything you've done in my life and in others. I hear your name mentioned often and see people reading your book but all I can do is smile because I have the honor of meeting you. The time you and Mr. Parker took to discuss my life was beyond me. You are an inspiration. You are my angel. Thank you for your gift of love. Saving lives from abuse is a gift of love and respect for human life. Thank you Ms. Scott and Mr. Parker.
It's time to have you back to Florida Ms. scott! What do we need to do? Jackie is right. You helped me too so we want to be able to help some other people that can stand up for themselves right now because they don't have the courage or strength or understanding. You should mentor people to be like you and spread your message.
Ms. Scott,
TheInternational Book Awards is a major accomplishment. Your good work and message is making it's way around the globe. It's well deserved I found the book exceptionally compelling with remarkable truth. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Shonja, UK
Ms. Marala I follow you on twitter and wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your inspirational tweets. I retweet a lot of your tweets because I believe they are the best way to start any day. Keep sharing your messages. I absolutely love your blog.Thank you.
Thank you for giving out a positive vibe. I really love this website its so serene. Every time I visit is different. The content is helpful.
The website is the prettiest one I've seen. I love the use of flowers. I'm sharing the site with all of my friends because it contains a lot of good information. I am following your feed. Thanks Marala.
Finally...finally...finally I read your book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is the best book ever. Thank you for sharing your life and now I'm gonna keep sharing your book. You have to turn this into a movie!
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